Saturday, March 28, 2020

Preparation For Clinical Chemistry Tests

Preparation For Clinical Chemistry TestsIt is obvious that some of the most important things that are taken into consideration when you are taking clinical chemistry tests is whether or not your homework assignments have been completed. In other words, what are you waiting for? You must make sure that you put all of the work that you have done in your classes into some sort of test that will be able to show your classmates exactly how much you have learned in the classroom.Unfortunately, there are some people that fail to do this, which is very unfortunate because it can be a big mistake if it is not corrected before they even take the exams. Many times, the biggest mistake that many people make is that they don't finish all of their assignments before they take the exams. After they have done so, they may find that they didn't really learn anything at all and they should have known better.Some of the exams will ask for information about different molecules and how to perform experim ents on them. These labs that require some good instruction on molecules, and you need to write down every single step that you have taken and work on a lab notebook as well. In these cases, you need to go back and look at those steps from the last time that you took the exam.You should also make sure that you always keep notes about any books that you might have read during the semester or years that you have been taking clinical chemistry tests. It is always a good idea to have your own copy of that notebook with you. There are many resources that you can use, including the internet, which are great resources for notebooks, but you also need a good notebook just in case that you forgot something.It is important to make sure that you are doing all of the preparation that you can before you take the clinical chemistry test. It is also a good idea to learn the terminology that you are going to need before you actually take the tests, because if you know the proper terms that you are going to use on your exam papers, then you will find that you don't make any mistakes.It is also a good idea to make sure that you have your glasses on during clinical chemistry tests. Some of the students that fail in this class often times have problems with vision, and it is a great idea to make sure that you wear your glasses at all times so that you can see the entire testing table. In some cases, it is even necessary to wear contact lenses so that you can be able to see the labels on the tests that you are about to take.There are also a number of things that you can do when it comes to keeping a lab notebook. For example, if you find that you forget some notes or you are unsure about some of the experiments that you have done, you can simply pull out a pen and write those down. Keep a number of different notebooks so that you have one available whenever you need it, and this will help you learn how to do much better on those tests.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Like It or Dislike It Facebook Working on Dislike Button

Like It or Dislike It Facebook Working on Dislike Button Photo Credit: The Like button, which first appeared on Facebook in 2007, is denoted by a thumbs up symbol, though the Dislike  button may not necessarily be a thumbs down. In fact, theres already discussion over whether the button is needed, what kind of impact it will have on the social media site, and even about whether it will really be a Dislike button at all. Facebook users have been clamoring for a Dislike button for years now, but it seems like now that they may get it, people are considering the ramifications of the feature. After the announcement, Facebook users went on Zuckerbergs Facebook page to talk about the idea, and many wrote they had no interest in seeing a Dislike button added to the site. Elsewhere on the internet, like YouTube and Reddit, you have the ability to immediately like and dislike or upvote and downvote a post, in addition to being able to comment on a video or posting. This isnt always a good thing, and people are worried that if Facebook adds a Dislike button, it will promote negativity and may even lead to cyberbullying. Those are some of the reasons that Facebook didnt originally offer a way to dislike something the social network didnt want to have a Reddit-style system since that wasnt the real purpose of the site â€" and also they didn’t want the ability to “Dislike” to lead to disrespecting or attacking others on the site. However, from what Zuckerberg has said about the development of this feature, the Dislike button may not really be that at all. Rather than showing your aversion to something, the tool Facebook is working on may be more of an Acknowledgement or Empathy button, for times when “Liking something isnt the appropriate response. Not every moment is a good moment, Zuckerberg said. Some people have asked for a dislike button because they want to be able to say that thing isnt good, and were not going to do that I dont think thats socially very valuable, or great for the community. Photo Credit: For example, when someone posts about a death or a natural disaster, its not quite fitting to Like the post, and some may not want to comment on the matter. Right now, Facebook users dont have any other option but to Like something if they want to let someone know they saw their post and are thinking of them, even if they may not exactly Like whatever the person is sharing with the world. Facebook is focused on allowing people to interact and engage with each other, and its highly unlikely the site will just offer a Dislike right next to the Like button on posts and other actions on the social network. The reason for this so-called Dislike button isnt about negativity, its about offering users a way to connect with each other in a more sincere way. It will also give the content a higher probability of being seen as it competes with posts that get a lot of Likes since Facebooks News Feed algorithm is biased towards showing content thats received lots of thumbs up. Facebook has been working on the feature for a while now, and though it seems like an uncomplicated concept, the thought behind it and the exact idea of what it will be, the symbol that will denote it, and what its meant to do, have made the execution of the tool more complex. In fact, many have already been speculating about what the icon for this new feature will be and making suggestions. Some ideas that have been offered include an “Ear” button, which would allow users to tell others that they hear them and doesn’t hold negative or positive connotations, and two hands clasped in the shape of a heart or a hand holding a heart, which would convey empathy, among others. No specific date has been announced yet as far as when whatever this “Dislike” button ends up being will appear on Facebook, but it’s already got a lot of people talking, and users seem to be split about whether they “Like” this idea or would thumbs down it if they could.

7 Tips To Make Networking Less Scary For Introverts

7 Tips To Make Networking Less Scary For Introverts 2. Live on campus. By living on campus I don’t mean living in dorms or university housing (although that can work to your advantage as well), I mean being on campus as much as possible. University campuses have loads to offer: libraries, student centers, fitness rooms and more. Utilize these. Rather than only showing up for class and darting home, spend some time in the library regularly or some mornings at the gym. When you see people of a similar schedule, smile and say hi. An easy way to make yourself known on campus is to be on campus. Before you know it, youll start running into familiar peers and professors all the time. 3. Work on campus. The only thing better than just being on campus is working on campus. Working on campus not only forces you to be present and to interact with people, but also gives you great professional ties. If your professors and peers see you consistently around, they’re likely to find you more approachable and dedicated. Your university employer will probably have strong ties to other professors and heads of departments around the college; talk to them about your career aspirations. As long as you are polite and work hard, they’ll be instrumental in helping you score potential higher up positions. 4. Become a regular. Sometimes half the battle is just showing up and you would be surprised what being a punctual, consistent student can do for your networking. When teachers recognize you as a regular in their class, they’re more apt to remember your name and help you further. Sometimes you might find it hard to speak up in class, but that’s okay. Nodding, taking notes, sitting near the front, and looking interested can be just as good. If talking in class isn’t your thing, you can always visit their office hours or send them an email. 5. Ask small questions. If you want to build better connections with your professors, ask for small favors from them. An easy way to break the ice first is to go up and introduce yourself after class in the first week. Shake their hand and say that you’re looking forward to learning more. Show them that you have an interest in their teaching by asking them a question. Send them an email about what they think you should read on a certain subject or shoot them an idea for a paper. This can be in person, over phone, or over email (as long as you keep it clean and professional). They’ll see you as a driven student and will rave about your good habits should you use them for reference. Becoming acquainted with your professors can also make speaking up in class less harrowing. 6. Use your friends’ connections. Sometimes your friends are better at networking than you are and that’s okay. Talk to your friends (and family too) about potential job openings or opportunities in areas you might be interested in. Dropping the employer an email with your friend’s name in it can be a huge step in securing a spot in the opening. Don’t expect to be hired immediately, but know that having a present employee as a reference can be the difference between getting a response or not. 7. Keep it professional. Being outgoing may not be your strong suit, but being professional can be. Looking and acting professional isn’t as much social talent as you think. Make sure to smile, introduce yourself, and shake hands while doing so. Give a simple greeting or smile when passing someone. Use polite words like “please” and “thank you” often. The simple phrase “it was nice to see/meet you” can go a long way. Being attentive and listening well can work wonders. Overall, networking isn’t about seeking out the top employers at a company and charming your way to the top. Networking can be done simply by acquainting yourself with the people around you. Especially on a university campus, there are loads of people to help you along. Sometimes being polite and present is the best way to build a network.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

New Position at italki Online Community Advocate

New Position at italki Online Community Advocate Update: This position has been filled as of January, 2013. As italki continues to grow, and we look to support our students and teachers better, we will be recruiting a new Online Community Advocate for our office in Shanghai. For interested parties, please email your resume to ross at Introduction to the role:   We are a fast-growing tech startup looking for a native English speaker who would like to be part of an exciting, yet relaxed working environment. We need someone who is focused, motivated responsible with strong communications skills who is ready to work now. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:   Engaging with the italki online Community Responding to English emails and enquiries from italki teachers and students Managing social networking channels Facebook, Twitter Writing for newsletters, website, PR, advertising Co-ordination and implementation of direct mail and email campaigns Assisting in other general marketing initiatives Minimum Requirements:   Outgoing personality Very strong English communication skills Good organisational and planning skills Experience in community management, customer service Experience in marketing and communications Interested in technology, language learning Preferred Qualifications:   2+ years work experience BA in marketing and communications Mandarin Chinese New Position at italki Online Community Advocate Update: This position has been filled as of January, 2013. As italki continues to grow, and we look to support our students and teachers better, we will be recruiting a new Online Community Advocate for our office in Shanghai. For interested parties, please email your resume to ross at Introduction to the role:   We are a fast-growing tech startup looking for a native English speaker who would like to be part of an exciting, yet relaxed working environment. We need someone who is focused, motivated responsible with strong communications skills who is ready to work now. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:   Engaging with the italki online Community Responding to English emails and enquiries from italki teachers and students Managing social networking channels Facebook, Twitter Writing for newsletters, website, PR, advertising Co-ordination and implementation of direct mail and email campaigns Assisting in other general marketing initiatives Minimum Requirements:   Outgoing personality Very strong English communication skills Good organisational and planning skills Experience in community management, customer service Experience in marketing and communications Interested in technology, language learning Preferred Qualifications:   2+ years work experience BA in marketing and communications Mandarin Chinese

Kumon Student on a Self-Paced Journey to Success

Kumon Student on a Self-Paced Journey to Success Kumon Student on a Self-Paced Journey to Success Mimansa, 11-years-old, Math Level N, Reading Program Completer Success is defined differently by everyone. To 11-year-old Mimansa, success means accomplishing goals purposely, efficiently, and at her own pace. Mimansa juggles multiple weekly soccer practices, ballet classes, and even uses her free time to code a mobile app. Aside from her social and personal interests, she is also passionate about her work in Kumon. “What I enjoy most about Kumon is the fact that I am not held back based on others learning capabilities. Without Kumon, I would still only be learning to divide decimals, a skill I learned four years ago,” says Mimansa. Mimansa is a proud Kumon Reading Program Completer and is working with the same diligence to also complete the Kumon Math Program. Because of her forward-thinking mindset and strong work ethic, she was invited to attend Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois. “I felt elated. I was proud of myself for being one of the 56 students chosen out of countless other great students,” said Mimansa. Just like in Kumon, Mimansa appreciates the responsibility of advancing at her own pace in life. Much of what keeps her motivated to move forward is her future â€" what job she could have and how all her learnings will come into fruition. To her, a successful journey is more important than the destination. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon thus far? The Kumon Method helps students learn independently. I think that this method is great for grasping new concepts quickly. For example, instead of someone having to lay out every part of a concept, Kumon Students can piece some parts together and learn things easily. By learning with the Kumon Method, your brain becomes accustomed to thinking for yourself. Life will be easier because of your decision-making skills. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an astrophysicist. I want to know what lies beyond human reach. I want to know what the fate of the universe is and what is causing everything that happens in the universe. What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon? Motivation is key in learning. Kumon may seem like a waste of time and that there are countless other things you would rather be doing. When you feel like you want to stop, think about where Kumon will get you. Kumon will help you in the future. Kumon will give a running start into the world and in whatever profession you chose. Who is your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration is Stephen Hawking. Despite all the hardships he was forced to deal with, he still became successful. I also want to have a job in the field of astronomy, which he was a great part of. What is your favorite book and why? My favorite book is “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” by William Shakespeare. This is partially because I find the way William Shakespeare wrote to be mesmerizing. What I particularly like the most about his work is the story. I love how Hermia coped with her problem with her suitor, Demetrius and father, Theseus. Lysander once said, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Hermia and Lysander’s hardship with love seems to be a running theme throughout the play. That is why my favorite book is “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”. What do you feel most proud of about yourself? I feel proud of my academic achievements and for coming this far along in the road to success. Outside of academics, I am proud of myself for going on pointe at the age of nine. In addition, I proud of getting selected as the lead in the Mouse Doll Dance in the Nutcracker where I performed on pointe. I’m also proud of winning the league with my soccer team Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Defining Success: What It Means as a Kumon Student and Parent One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University Motivation is the Key to this Kumon Student’s Success SUCCESS IN KUMON INSPIRED THIS YOUNG STUDENT TO EXCEL IN THE POOL Kumon Student on a Self-Paced Journey to Success Kumon Student on a Self-Paced Journey to Success Mimansa, 11-years-old, Math Level N, Reading Program Completer Success is defined differently by everyone. To 11-year-old Mimansa, success means accomplishing goals purposely, efficiently, and at her own pace. Mimansa juggles multiple weekly soccer practices, ballet classes, and even uses her free time to code a mobile app. Aside from her social and personal interests, she is also passionate about her work in Kumon. “What I enjoy most about Kumon is the fact that I am not held back based on others learning capabilities. Without Kumon, I would still only be learning to divide decimals, a skill I learned four years ago,” says Mimansa. Mimansa is a proud Kumon Reading Program Completer and is working with the same diligence to also complete the Kumon Math Program. Because of her forward-thinking mindset and strong work ethic, she was invited to attend Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois. “I felt elated. I was proud of myself for being one of the 56 students chosen out of countless other great students,” said Mimansa. Just like in Kumon, Mimansa appreciates the responsibility of advancing at her own pace in life. Much of what keeps her motivated to move forward is her future â€" what job she could have and how all her learnings will come into fruition. To her, a successful journey is more important than the destination. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon thus far? The Kumon Method helps students learn independently. I think that this method is great for grasping new concepts quickly. For example, instead of someone having to lay out every part of a concept, Kumon Students can piece some parts together and learn things easily. By learning with the Kumon Method, your brain becomes accustomed to thinking for yourself. Life will be easier because of your decision-making skills. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an astrophysicist. I want to know what lies beyond human reach. I want to know what the fate of the universe is and what is causing everything that happens in the universe. What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon? Motivation is key in learning. Kumon may seem like a waste of time and that there are countless other things you would rather be doing. When you feel like you want to stop, think about where Kumon will get you. Kumon will help you in the future. Kumon will give a running start into the world and in whatever profession you chose. Who is your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration is Stephen Hawking. Despite all the hardships he was forced to deal with, he still became successful. I also want to have a job in the field of astronomy, which he was a great part of. What is your favorite book and why? My favorite book is “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” by William Shakespeare. This is partially because I find the way William Shakespeare wrote to be mesmerizing. What I particularly like the most about his work is the story. I love how Hermia coped with her problem with her suitor, Demetrius and father, Theseus. Lysander once said, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Hermia and Lysander’s hardship with love seems to be a running theme throughout the play. That is why my favorite book is “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”. What do you feel most proud of about yourself? I feel proud of my academic achievements and for coming this far along in the road to success. Outside of academics, I am proud of myself for going on pointe at the age of nine. In addition, I proud of getting selected as the lead in the Mouse Doll Dance in the Nutcracker where I performed on pointe. I’m also proud of winning the league with my soccer team Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Defining Success: What It Means as a Kumon Student and Parent One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University Motivation is the Key to this Kumon Student’s Success SUCCESS IN KUMON INSPIRED THIS YOUNG STUDENT TO EXCEL IN THE POOL Kumon Student on a Self-Paced Journey to Success Kumon Student on a Self-Paced Journey to Success Mimansa, 11-years-old, Math Level N, Reading Program Completer Success is defined differently by everyone. To 11-year-old Mimansa, success means accomplishing goals purposely, efficiently, and at her own pace. Mimansa juggles multiple weekly soccer practices, ballet classes, and even uses her free time to code a mobile app. Aside from her social and personal interests, she is also passionate about her work in Kumon. “What I enjoy most about Kumon is the fact that I am not held back based on others learning capabilities. Without Kumon, I would still only be learning to divide decimals, a skill I learned four years ago,” says Mimansa. Mimansa is a proud Kumon Reading Program Completer and is working with the same diligence to also complete the Kumon Math Program. Because of her forward-thinking mindset and strong work ethic, she was invited to attend Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois. “I felt elated. I was proud of myself for being one of the 56 students chosen out of countless other great students,” said Mimansa. Just like in Kumon, Mimansa appreciates the responsibility of advancing at her own pace in life. Much of what keeps her motivated to move forward is her future â€" what job she could have and how all her learnings will come into fruition. To her, a successful journey is more important than the destination. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon thus far? The Kumon Method helps students learn independently. I think that this method is great for grasping new concepts quickly. For example, instead of someone having to lay out every part of a concept, Kumon Students can piece some parts together and learn things easily. By learning with the Kumon Method, your brain becomes accustomed to thinking for yourself. Life will be easier because of your decision-making skills. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an astrophysicist. I want to know what lies beyond human reach. I want to know what the fate of the universe is and what is causing everything that happens in the universe. What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon? Motivation is key in learning. Kumon may seem like a waste of time and that there are countless other things you would rather be doing. When you feel like you want to stop, think about where Kumon will get you. Kumon will help you in the future. Kumon will give a running start into the world and in whatever profession you chose. Who is your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration is Stephen Hawking. Despite all the hardships he was forced to deal with, he still became successful. I also want to have a job in the field of astronomy, which he was a great part of. What is your favorite book and why? My favorite book is “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” by William Shakespeare. This is partially because I find the way William Shakespeare wrote to be mesmerizing. What I particularly like the most about his work is the story. I love how Hermia coped with her problem with her suitor, Demetrius and father, Theseus. Lysander once said, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Hermia and Lysander’s hardship with love seems to be a running theme throughout the play. That is why my favorite book is “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”. What do you feel most proud of about yourself? I feel proud of my academic achievements and for coming this far along in the road to success. Outside of academics, I am proud of myself for going on pointe at the age of nine. In addition, I proud of getting selected as the lead in the Mouse Doll Dance in the Nutcracker where I performed on pointe. I’m also proud of winning the league with my soccer team Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Defining Success: What It Means as a Kumon Student and Parent One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University Motivation is the Key to this Kumon Student’s Success SUCCESS IN KUMON INSPIRED THIS YOUNG STUDENT TO EXCEL IN THE POOL

The Roots of Chemistry

The Roots of ChemistryChemistry is a branch of the natural sciences that deals with the study of matter, from atomic to molecular to macroscopic. It is primarily concerned with the properties of certain substances and their interaction with one another. The use of chemicals in different settings in various industries is another application that chemistry is highly used for. This branch of the sciences is also heavily used in medicine by determining the elements combinations that are most effective to the health and well being of humans.Chemical properties such as boiling point, boiling range, melting point, chemical instability and chemical reactivity all depend on the structure of the molecules or atom, as the substance being studied. However, one needs to have a basic knowledge of the chemical properties of various compounds in order to do his/her job properly. That is why chemistry is highly sought after by both the general public and industrial organizations alike.As a science, i t is an extremely complex field of study. All this is often attributed to the methodical nature of the discipline. Also, it needs constant checking and updating of data related to data from the past. Chemists in turn need the complete documentation of the study in order to check the results of the experiments done, if any.Good chemistry does not come easy and there are numerous subjects that need to be studied in order to make a career out of it. For example, no chemist can work in isolation, without having to know what other elements and properties exist in the compound. So, as a student going to chemistry classes in school, one must have a good grasp of the rest of the sciences, in order to be successful.A good part of a chemist's job is to assess the value of the property which has been assigned as the desired 'good'reference' value for a particular chemical. To know this value, one has to ascertain the performance and efficiency of the chemical, considering the other parameters, like the reaction that has been performed. This is where chemistry comes in, as it is the only discipline that takes into account other properties like chemistry, economics, and even physics.Chemical knowledge may also help in the processing of precious metals, like gold, silver, platinum and palladium. However, for gold, it has to be converted into platinum, which means having the right process that can provide the desired results. Similarly, for silver, one has to learn about how to analyze and measure the purity of the metal.These are just a few of the many uses of chemistry that will make it an essential tool for those who are interested in researching chemical reactions and also in the commercialization of these. There are plenty of courses available in schools and colleges in order to get a good chemistry education. As a result, one will not only be able to learn more about the various chemical reactions and properties, but also to prepare oneself for the very demanding caree rs as well.

Chemical Chemistry Midterm Study Guide Answers

Chemical Chemistry Midterm Study Guide AnswersAre you interested in taking a chemistry midterm study guide? You're in the right place! Here are a few tips for studying for your test. Here are a few tips for taking a chemistry midterm study guide:o The more preparation you have for taking your chemistry exam, the better your chances of passing. Your best bet is to take as many practice tests as possible before getting a real chemistry midterm study guide. Take the practice tests over until you've mastered the test, and then compare what you learned from your practice test to what you've learned from your preparation.o Keep track of the questions you get wrong. When you have five or six wrong questions, it's time to get that chemistry midterm study guide answers book and turn it into an actual quiz.o The more time you have to prepare for tests, the easier the tests will be. More time means more research, more preparation, and a better chance of having everything you need memorized befo re the test. Set a clock timer on your desk so you can study when you get a good night's sleep.o If you find yourself at a loss for answers on a practice test, start taking notes on the test itself. For example, if the question about acids and bases seems too advanced for you, write down the chemical name of the base, and then take note of whether you got a 'yes'no' answer for the last sentence. That little bit of information will really help when it comes time to write your Chemistry midterm study guide answers down.o Put all of the textbook information into a central file in your computer, so that you'll always have a Chemistry midterm study guide answers book handy. Whenever you need a good look at your work, just openup the book and read through your notes.It can be hard to think clearly without having a good practice made, but if you follow these tips, you'll save yourself a lot of headaches. Good luck on your test, and remember that your chemistry midterm study guide answers b ook is your friend!